Adding Hints

Parts can contain one or more Hints that help students determine the correct answer. There are two kinds of Hints:

Each Part should contain an average of three Hints – two Socratic and one declarative.

Declarative Hint

Socratic Hint


Note: Adding a Hint within a Part is not the same as adding a new main Part. To add a new main Part, right-click anywhere in the Part, select Insert before or Insert after, and then select part.

Adding declarative Hints

Declarative Hints are statements or images that help students solve items.

  1. Within the Part, click add > hint.
  2. Enter the Hint description in the Tagline field.
  3. Enter the Hint text.

Adding Socratic Hints

Socratic Hints guide students to correct answers through a series of questions.

  1. Within the Part, click add >hint.
  2. Enter information about the question in the Part Text field.
  3. Enter the question in the Tagline field.
  4. Click the add link in the orange box and select an answer type from the list that appears.
  5. Enter the instructions for how to complete the Hint in the Answer Instructions field.
  6. Enter the correct answer.
  7. Add wrong answers and wrong answer responses.

See also:

Setting the order of Parts and Hints

Entering answers